All functions |
Generate best guess of cover for each taxa*context |
Generate best guess of height for each taxa*context |
Generate best guess of lifeform for each taxa*context |
Simple feature to define a geographic area of interest. |
Add |
Describte change in taxa, records, visits and sites between cleaning steps |
Write a sentence describing change in taxa, records, visits and sites between two cleaning steps |
Filter any context with less instances than a threshold value |
Filter a dataframe with e/n or lat/long to an area of interest polygon (sf) |
Filter taxa recorded at less than x percent of visits |
Clean/Tidy to one row per taxa*Visit |
Filter a dataframe column on character string(s) |
Find local outliers |
Find how taxa changed through the cleaning/filtering/tidying process |
Example of data combined from several data sources. |
Get GBIF backbone taxonomy |
Dataframe of cleaning steps |
Dataframe of taxonomic ranks |
Title |
Make conservation status from existing status codes |
Make a single (numeric, proportion) cover column from different sorts of input cover |
Distribution of credible values for taxa richness. |
Model the effect of principal components axes on taxa richness. |
Principal components analysis and various outputs from environmental data |
Make taxonomy lookups |
Make indigenous status lookup |
Get unique lifeform across taxa, perhaps including further context |
Get taxonomy via |
How many records, visits, sites and taxa in a dataframe |
Reduce data frame to a single spatial reliability within a context |
Manual taxonomic overrides |