Model the effect of principal components axes on taxa richness.
context = "cell",
threshold_lo = 0.05/2,
threshold_hi = 0.05/2,
effort_col = "qsize",
effort_thresh = 3 * 3,
out_file = NULL,
Dataframe. Cleaned data specifying context.
Output from env_pca.
Character. Column names that define context, usually a 'visit' to a 'cell'.
Numeric between 0 and 1 specifying the threshold above/below which richness is excessively above or below 'normal' and should be filtered.
Character (or NULL
). Name of column with some measure of
effort. If NULL
, all contexts will be used.
Numeric. effort_col
(if used) will be filtered below
this threshold.
Character. Optional path to save output.
Passed to rstanarm::stan_glm()
List of model outputs.