Deprecated in favour of the simpler workflow involving make_taxonomy then bin_taxa (along with other bins, say, geographic and temporal). Required attributes are then added to each taxa; context and/or taxa + context before reducing to distinct context and associated attributes.
taxa_col = "original_name",
extra_cols = NULL,
required_rank = "species",
do_cov = FALSE,
do_life = FALSE,
lucov = NULL,
lulife = NULL,
Dataframe to clean, filter and tidy with respect to taxonomy.
Character. Name of column with taxa.
Character. Name of columns defining context.
Character. Name of any extra columns to keep.
Character. Default is 'species'. What level of the taxonomic hierarchy is required for results. Records above this level are filtered.
Logical. Should cover (needs to be supplied in df) be appended to output.
Logical. Should lifeform (needs to be supplied in df) be appended to output.
Dataframe lookup for cover.
Dataframe lookup for lifeform.
list with (at least) named elements lutaxa
and taxonomy
Usually resulting from call to envClean::make_taxonomy()
Logical. Should ind (needs to be supplied in df) be appended to output.
Dataframe with columns taxa, context and, possibly, extracols , lifeform and cover