The goal of envClean
is to help clean large, unstructured, biological (or env
ironmental) data sets.
It assumes the desired end result is a plausible list of taxa recorded at space and time locations for use in further analysis. This is not the same as an authoritative checklist of taxa for any space and time locations.
While there are many implied and explicit decisions to make (e.g. there may be a lot of work to set up for new data sets), there is no manual input required once those decisions are made - these functions have the potential to provide an automated workflow from combined data through to analysis-ready data. Some help with reporting on the cleaning process also included.
is not on CRAN.
You can install the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Load envClean
An area of interest, or geographic range, sets the spatial boundary for the cleaning. Adding geographic (or spatial) bins based on a raster that spans the area of interest is another way to achieve the same end.
This example uses the flor_all
data frame and the simple feature aoi
. Converting flor_all
to sf
allows plotting them together.
Load flor_all
flor_all <- tibble::as_tibble(flor_all)
Convert flor_all
to sf
and plot together with aoi
flor_all_sf <- flor_all %>%
sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("long", "lat")
, crs = 4326
, bbox = sf::st_bbox(flor_all_sf)
) +
tmap::tm_polygons() +
tmap::tm_shape(flor_all_sf) +
Filtering flor_all
to aoi
is done with filter_geo_range
flor_aoi <- filter_geo_range(flor_all
, use_aoi = aoi
) %>%
#> Joining with `by = join_by(long, lat)`
#> # A tibble: 1,419 × 10
#> long lat area data_name site date original_name rel_metres month year
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <chr> <date> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 140. -34.5 81695918. GBIF 2573957849 2020-02-22 Eremophila glabra 500 2 2020
#> 2 140. -34.5 81695918. GBIF 3902768443 2022-08-14 Triodia scariosa NA 8 2022
#> 3 140. -34.5 81695918. GBIF 3902326597 2022-08-14 Beyeria lechenaultii NA 8 2022
#> 4 140. -34.5 81695918. GBIF 3902042262 2022-08-14 Walsholaria magniflora NA 8 2022
#> 5 140. -34.5 81695918. GBIF 3058875475 2019-09-01 Triodia scariosa 564 9 2019
#> 6 140. -34.5 81695918. GBIF 3058756300 2019-09-01 Westringia rigida 564 9 2019
#> 7 140. -34.5 81695918. GBIF 3902151141 2022-08-14 Phebalium bullatum NA 8 2022
#> 8 140. -34.5 81695918. GBIF 3902634058 2022-08-14 Acacia rigens NA 8 2022
#> 9 140. -34.5 81695918. GBIF 3902018286 2022-08-14 Exocarpos aphyllus NA 8 2022
#> 10 140. -34.5 81695918. GBIF 3923355578 2022-08-14 Maireana radiata NA 8 2022
#> # ℹ 1,409 more rows
Check that spatial filter worked.
flor_aoi_sf <- flor_aoi %>%
sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("long", "lat")
, crs = 4326
, bbox = sf::st_bbox(flor_all_sf)
) +
tmap::tm_polygons() +
tmap::tm_shape(flor_aoi_sf) +
The following functions and data sets are provided in envClean
. See for more examples.
object | class | description |
envClean::add_cover() |
function | Generate best guess of cover for each taxa*context |
envClean::add_height() |
function | Generate best guess of height for each taxa*context |
envClean::add_lifeform() |
function | Generate best guess of lifeform for each taxa*context |
envClean::aoi |
sf and data.frame | Simple feature to define a geographic area of interest. |
envClean::bin_taxa() |
function | Add code{taxa} column |
envClean::cleaning_summary() |
function | Describte change in taxa, records, visits and sites between cleaning steps |
envClean::cleaning_text() |
function | Write a sentence describing change in taxa, records, visits and sites between |
envClean::clean_quotes() |
function | Remove any ’ or ” from specified columns in a dataframe |
envClean::filter_counts() |
function | Filter any context with less instances than a threshold value |
envClean::filter_geo_range() |
function | Filter a dataframe with e/n or lat/long to an area of interest polygon (sf) |
envClean::filter_prop() |
function | Filter taxa recorded at less than x percent of visits |
envClean::filter_taxa() |
function | Clean/Tidy to one row per taxa*Visit |
envClean::filter_text_col() |
function | Filter a dataframe column on character string(s) |
envClean::find_outliers() |
function | Find local outliers |
envClean::find_taxa() |
function | Find how taxa changed through the cleaning/filtering/tidying process |
envClean::flor_all |
tbl_df, tbl and data.frame | Example of data combined from several data sources. |
envClean::get_taxonomy() |
function | Get GBIF backbone taxonomy |
envClean::luclean |
tbl_df, tbl and data.frame | Dataframe of cleaning steps |
envClean::lurank |
tbl_df, tbl and data.frame | Dataframe of taxonomic ranks |
envClean::make_attribute() |
function | Title |
envClean::make_con_status() |
function | Make conservation status from existing status codes |
envClean::make_cover() |
function | Make a single (numeric, proportion) cover column from different sorts of |
envClean::make_effort_mod() |
function | Distribution of credible values for taxa richness. |
envClean::make_effort_mod_pca() |
function | Model the effect of principal components axes on taxa richness. |
envClean::make_env_pca() |
function | Principal components analysis and various outputs from environmental data |
envClean::make_gbif_taxonomy() |
function | Make taxonomy lookups |
envClean::make_ind_status() |
function | Make indigenous status lookup |
envClean::make_lifeform() |
function | Get unique lifeform across taxa, perhaps including further context |
envClean::make_subspecies_col() |
function | Make a subspecies column |
envClean::make_taxonomy() |
function | Get taxonomy via code{galah::taxa_search()} |
envClean::rec_vis_sit_tax() |
function | How many records, visits, sites and taxa in a dataframe |
envClean::reduce_geo_rel() |
function | Reduce data frame to a single spatial reliability within a context |
envClean::taxonomy_overrides |
tbl_df, tbl and data.frame | Manual taxonomic overrides |